LabyrinthMy Minotaur, how many torches Do you spend to pass the night, To find your own hands? & How many days Do you burn to ponder How many lives are sinned Once they were born?
& Birth is forever past tense. Gifted by the historical curse, Family crime, how do you sleep Without being haunted By your mother’s ill-fated tears? How do you come to understand Human and loneliness, How do you inherit fear?
Maybe you will hope to have a friend Named Daedalus, whose son flied & Died. But you hear stories no more, Witness wings no more, Just there in the vast cage, Accommodated by savagery demanded. In dreams sometimes you wonder Who planted those white bones Under your feet.
When it rains you hear water Flowing sluggishly in the walls: Like slimy skin of snakes kissing the interior Of your dwelling, or worms With no teeth, yet venomous by gaze. You should be terrified of some creatures When you imagine the sound to be someone Wading in deep water in this castle Trudging with their hearts Not towards you. (Then to whom?)
Dwelling like spider cob, a thousand road To escape, to die, to become hero. Only one tunnel for waiting. & You have no choice, For the most beautiful Ariadne Weaved this maze Out of her blessed ball of wool.
2022.4.14 |