
Letter (What do we know about the victims? )

“We didn’t want to be apart from



For we are losing our brick our wall our homes our

Usual 15 minutes 1964 steps walk back home.

Now it takes a little bit longer – many 437 steps more

For we do not really have a home.

And I keep walking

for I’m losing you.

Gaunt streets, my shadow stitched to

The ever-lowing sunset,

Heels glued to the ground,

stuck in a muddy kiss.

And you kissed me nightmare,

With your absence in bed.

You fell asleep just a bit too soon

For me to ask your new address.

Now I can’t mail myself anywhere.

The humming of AC keeps me awake,

Cutting me open at night, and I feel like

I’m cucumbers thinly sliced;

(You used to have them kissing your eyes

In your 19 minutes lunch nap)

For I’m allergic to dust, allergic to cold air,

Allergic to loneliness and allergic to your very voice

That only gets to play in my own head.

And I can’t perform the act of sleeping

Without your soul awakening on my stage,

For I’m beneficial to your dreams,

Yet the only prop you forget

to take with you along the way.



([1] BBC news: Miami Building Collapse: What do we know about victims?)

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