

You are my op shop, my cynical spring,

My silted skin, my unsayable saying,

Idiotic idioms that only I love to blabbing

– my grandly mistaken grammars, my intentionally

Incoherent soliloquy, my incoherent

Inheritance from an insane poetry

My tearable tears      from a teachable and treatable

nature (is it?) My

illogical utopia


You are greater than the sum of our parts

When I sit beside you, I’m blinded by the

Shaded shadow due to your brightness always

&I’m discriminated not because of the color of the skin

But the color of my soul

because I came from the wildness of dreams

into the tenderness of reality

I feel discolored. Distinctive. Dissected.

I never been so quiet and fragile before.

Yet I still remember those nights

When we light up fires inside our eyes

&how we were defoliated as we walked through

the scenes we wanted to see


We once had forests, had names, and then

then had These internal erosions.

I feel blinded. So often.

You are my only utopian logics.

When we are together

We are brutal butterflies, unsung under arms,

Relieved release, and my uncertain surnames.

& we face climatic coughing and shivering of whatever climatic change


& Want a defendable darkness

In the light of all these dark underbellies


And I’m still not sure whether I need you




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