
Retrieve Lover

When you lose your lover, you could click on “security”, and icons including:


  • Find my lover

  • Send last location

  • Location sharing


Will appear on the screen. You can click on all of them to make sure that the location of your lover will always be available and sent to you when she is gone all of a sudden.


At the bottom of the page, it says:


“Finding a lost lover” and “help others find lovers”.


The fastest way is to go into the cloud map, the icon at the bottom right says “view all lovers”. If you load the page, you will see all the names of your previous lovers in a list. Some of them are labeled as “not located”, some of them are shown near “Subway Line 9” or “Blah Blah Shopping Mall, ground floor, Starbucks”. And then you remember she likes latte without milk at 8:30 in the morning. And then you remember she is not here anymore. 


At the bottom of the cloud map, you have these options to choose from:


  • Locate & ring

  • Lock & track

  • Protect Data


These are the things you could do. 


You can ring your lover if you cannot find her or she somehow accidentally leaves or she is with someone else. Inside her chest, her heart rings loud, loud enough for everyone around her to hear. The purpose is merely for you to find her, but to inform others that she is with someone yet she is now lost. Or just to make her aware that you don’t want her to leave even though you know she is determined to leave if she does so without hinting a single tiny hint even though you know is useless even though for her it doesn’t hurt it’s just annoying. 


She will hang up before you lock her down. Even before you ring her – immediately when she has left. She will change the password and shuts down the connection and makes her data private. She becomes “not located”. She is now uninvolved. Technology doesn’t help you to become better at love, especially for some of your lovers who still write letters and use actual dictionaries with thickness and weight. 


Your memories with her and memories of her go into the cloud storage. Her and Her and Her. Hers. You can delete them, or you can upload them all to a new lover when you think you finally find the one. 



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