Starry DaysWe generated kites of every star color In this era depleted of skies. I dreamed of mountains glazed with hopes And we all being so attached to mist With our foggy names embodied in it; I wished of laughter tattooed with milky Valleys, milky thorns, and milky ways. A path we share is a journey Starrily shaped. Even all the clean clouds are blinded As long as we could be healed By moonily drizzles, we are still young With wrinkles upon slightly windy face. My messages are resilient and concrete, Delivering to you via shooting stars Owning names and origins itchy. Mutually we possessed Tears wiping your rooftops clean. A ceiling painted with your fears and nightmares That gleam – for those I invite you in And wrap you into my star-lit shaky heat. Still, I trip over my stellar startles sometimes, and I Fall . So when the night is hard enough, I allow myself to resume in you And converse with you when clouds descend In the same form of our tears. I have blood I pulse and pause with stars Being my rhetorical question And mountains persevered in memories My deepest and longest anecdote.
2021.7.31-8.2 LastInsomniaNextSimplicity |