

I prefer Wednesday,

I prefer stand-lamp,

I prefer alarm that rings at five in the morning. 

I prefer intentional typos.

I prefer sitting outside the library & writing,

Prefer the refutation to borrow books from shelves possessed publicly.

I prefer petals,

Prefer grains & rains that fall into soils owning seeds,

Prefer all the dates & holidays – those of which I can’t remember.

I prefer poetry & life

– Also the line breaks & puns they contain.

I prefer dashes & punctuation.

I prefer the pain shared mutually across languages.

I prefer passionate, unspeakable love.

I prefer the beauty of my mother tongue, & the vulnerability

Of my own being.

I prefer the path without a destination.

I prefer pausing this essential life temporarily,

To write poems that are not even necessities.

I prefer art,

Prefer abandoning the consideration of benefits.

I prefer the translation of words & feelings,

I prefer unspoken things.

I prefer unfinished play scripts,

– Prefer sections of life that are done

& Stages of life still waiting to be complete.

I prefer my own improvisational casting without concerning any interests. 

I prefer a theatre with not so many audiences.

I prefer speeches with rough voice, & delicately touching messages.

I prefer tears that can fall whenever & wherever.

I prefer songs that I’ve never heard.

I prefer sufficiently adequate lyrics & rhythms that are slightly skinny.

I prefer the ones I already know well & those that I’m going to.

I prefer Anxiety, Fear, Struggle

& Seeking that are stated exceptionally bravely clearly.

I prefer doubts arose from peers &

Understanding bypassing the constrain of age.

I prefer books that cannot be always kept handy

& Diaries afraid for others to see.

I prefer answers, prefer harder questions.

I prefer sluggish dawns,

Also fiery dawns.

I prefer boats & travelers.

I prefer luggage packed carelessly.

I prefer the attendance & absence of nightmares & ghosts.

I prefer sleeps,

Also awakenings.

I prefer secrets & tragedies.

I prefer unfortunate desires.

I prefer ripping – apart & hesitations internally.

I prefer contrast & prefer being unique.

I prefer poetic rage,

I prefer radical beauty.

I prefer uncontrollable emotional tears caving out when expressing.

I prefer pens that leak ink &

Poetry scribbled during class time only half-finished.

I prefer bed like the earth

& Pillows that can align with rocks.

I prefer sleepless, nightless & darkless eyes.

I prefer river-like flowing personalities.

I prefer ambiguous, floating exclamation & retelling.

I prefer absurdity, prefer shouting.

I prefer narrative perspectives chosen freely.

I prefer poem-like flesh & verse-like nerves.

I prefer every sing poem without the justification expectedly,

& Every single person with a private reasoning. 


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