I Said Loving You is Like Gazing the Ocean at the End of Sahara – – To C.Leap. When I think of you, I still think of Sea. Till now I’ve finally learned: footprints washed away Are also fingerprints engraved. You don’t see me, me Who wanders, me whose Eastern blood As crimson as the Lantern – Shining over your window At the Northern Hemisphere for one night, And becomes an orphan too. Waves don’t belong to The homelands of any of us. Another realm – – In my water-based life, you exist in the form of Salt, In the letter with the texture of Shell: In the Spelling errors, you learn me Unbiasedly. You’d learned me. Girl with vessels made of rivers clinging to her heart. Occasionally you ask about dwellings I’ve rented. I say, the plain – how vast it is, I keep on walking, keep on walking, Till the Sand Shades into the Sea.
2022.2.19 |