Cosmic RoseRosebuds. The time we spend Together is concise and vague. Worms rent our leaves And install blackholes In their living rooms. I’m already falling, and down The way I saw Electric wires they own: Veins that human perceive. Which channel is they watching And which blood is we living on? Under the witness of cameras I discovered: We are unwelcomed guests to this world. When I write to you I make the Universe capital. Roots. I’m as quiet as air Pockets in sponge mesophyll. Soils made out of tenacious falls. It’s hard to tell love As a breathless joke. Airflow and airglow as We fall. You: the cliff I always lean onto when I fall. Like candles I plant wishes Along the dim-lit garden road. You are my long outdated Inevitable hope that’s never blown – For me always As usual.
2021.8.13-14 LastNight of April 5thNextPostcard |