StatementMy habitable branches are collapsing. I’ll have to go. My leaves are falling, I quoted. Go and edit my life; do with more lines that broke. I remember my endings are how we departed.
My leaves are falling, I quoted. And I asked who stated my secret and pain. I remember. My endings are how we departed. Who stated my secrets my poems learned in last summer rain?
And I asked. Who stated my secret and pain? Embrace myself repeatedly as embracing wind. Who stated my secrets my poems learned in last summer rain? I forgot how many pages of my diaries are sinned.
Embrace myself repeatedly as embracing wind. The sky and my shoelaces are clean. The cover stitched. I glow. I forgot. How many pages of my diaries are sinned? All of my habitable branches collapsed. I now have to go.
I quoted my leaves for one last time. Once in a while (according to me), They were falling.
2021.8.27 LastRhetoricNextApartment Building |